
This module defines a user-friendly adapter API (compared to the one generated by generateDS). It is designed to fulfill several requirements:

  • allow multiple versions of generateDS APIs to exist for the same adapter;
  • implement more convenient ways of working with the classes of the API;
  • easily integrate new EMDB-SFF entities into the API;
  • decouple the file format from the data model: most classes in this adapter implement methods to handle conversion to non-XML formats (XML is the only format that generateDS writes to)

Here is an example of how the SFFSegmentation class is defined using these classes (details omitted for brevity):

from .base import SFFType, SFFAttribute

class SFFSegmentation(SFFType):
    """Adapter class to make using the output of ``generateDS`` easier to use"""
    gds_type = sff.segmentation
    gds_tag_name = "segmentation"
    repr_string = "SFFSegmentation(...)"

    # attributes
    name = SFFAttribute('name', required=True)
    version = SFFAttribute('version')
    software_list = SFFAttribute('software_list', sff_type=SFFSoftwareList)
    primary_descriptor = SFFAttribute('primary_descriptor')
    transform_list = SFFAttribute('transform_list', sff_type=SFFTransformList)
    bounding_box = SFFAttribute('bounding_box', sff_type=SFFBoundingBox)
    global_external_references = SFFAttribute('global_external_references', sff_type=SFFGlobalExternalReferences)
    segment_list = SFFAttribute('segment_list', sff_type=SFFSegmentList)
    lattice_list = SFFAttribute('lattice_list', sff_type=SFFLatticeList)
    details = SFFAttribute('details')

In the above example, the SFFSegmentation class inherits from SFFType; SFFType uses the first three attributes (gds_type, gds_tag_name and repr_string) to configure the user class SFFSegmentation. The API user can now exploit SFFSegmentation without any need to know the underlying implementation while benefiting from the aforementioned facilities:

from sfftkrw import SFFSegmentation

# to create a new empty EMDB-SFF segmentation object
# provide the only required attribute
seg = SFFSegmentation(name='my name')
seg.to_file('file.sff') # export

# to read an XML-, HDF5- or JSON-formatted file, respectively
seg = SFFSegmentation('file.sff')
seg = SFFSegmentation('file.hff')
seg = SFFSegmentation('file.json')

The attributes (name, version, etc.) are all instances of SFFAttribute, which takes the name (first positional argument) and an optional keyword argument sff_type denoting the class of the attribute. In the above example, the software_list attribute will be of type SFFSoftwareList.

To learn more about the core classes please refer to sfftkrw.schema.base.

SFFSegmentation class

class sfftkrw.SFFSegmentation(name=None, software_list=None, primary_descriptor=None, details=None, transform_list=None, bounding_box=None, segment_list=None, lattice_list=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFType

Adapter class to make using the output of generateDS easier to use

as_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict

the bounding box in which the segmentation sits; a sfftkrw.schema.adapter.SFFBoundingBox object


Clear all annotations from the segment with ID specified

Parameters:from_id – segment ID
copy_annotation(from_id, to_id)

Copy annotation across segments

  • from_id (int/list) – segment ID to get notes from; use -1 for for global notes
  • to_id (int/list) – segment ID to copy notes to; use -1 for global notes

any other details about this segmentation (free text)

export(fn, args=None, *_args, **_kwargs)

Export to a file on disc

Parameters:fn (str or io.TextIOWrapper or io.RawIOBase or io.BufferedIOBase or file) – filename to export to; the output format is determined by the extension:
Return int status:
 exit code from os library
  • .sff - XML
  • .hff - HDF5
  • .json - JSON
classmethod from_file(fn, args=None)

Instantiate an SFFSegmentations object from a file name

The file suffix determines how the data is extracted.

Parameters:fn (str) – name of a file hosting an EMDB-SFF-structured segmentation
Return seg:the corresponding SFFSegmentation object
Rtype seg:SFFSegmentation
classmethod from_gds_type(inst=None)

Create an SFFType subclass directly from a gds_type object

Notice that we ignore do not pass *args, **kwargs as we assume the inst is complete.

classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


alias of sfftkrw.schema.v0_8_0_dev1.segmentation


a list of external references that apply to the whole segmentation (global); a sfftkrw.schema.adapter.SFFGlobalexternal_references object


the list of lattices (if any) containing 3D volumes referred to; a sfftkrw.schema.adapter.SFFLatticeList object

merge_annotation(other_seg, include_colour=False)

Merge the annotation from another sff_seg to this one

  • other_seg (sfftkrw.SFFSegmentation) – segmentation to get annotations from
  • include_colour (bool) – copy the colours from the source (useful if you want control over the colours)

the name of this segmentation


the main type of representation used for this segmentation; can be one of ‘mesh_list’, ‘shape_primitive_list’ or ‘threeDVolume’


the list of annotated segments; a sfftkrw.schema.adapter.SFFSegmentList object


the list of software tools used to crate this segmentation a sfftkrw.schema.adapter.SFFSoftwareList object

to_file(*args, **kwargs)

Alias for export() method. Passes all args and kwargs onto SFFSegmentation.export()


a list of transforms; a sfftkrw.schema.adapter.SFFTransformList object


EMDB-SFF version

SFFSoftwareList class

class sfftkrw.SFFSoftwareList

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFListType

List of SFFSoftware objects

as_hff(parent_group, name='software_list', args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='software_list', args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

SFFSoftware class

class sfftkrw.SFFSoftware(name=None, version=None, processing_details=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFIndexType

Class definition for specifying software used to create this segmentation


The name of the software used


The version string


Details of how the segmentation was produced

as_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


the software ID


the software/programmeu’s name


a description of how the data was processed to produce the segmentation


the version used

SFFTransformList class

class sfftkrw.SFFTransformList

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFListType

Container for transforms

as_hff(parent_group, name='transform_list', args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='transform_list', args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


alias of sfftkrw.schema.v0_8_0_dev1.transform_listType

SFFTransformationMatrix class

class sfftkrw.SFFTransformationMatrix(id=None, rows=None, cols=None, data=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFIndexType

Transformation matrix transform

as_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict

the number of columns in this matrix


a string sequence by row of the data in this matrix

classmethod from_array(ndarray, **kwargs)

Construct an SFFTransformationMatrix object from a numpy numpy.ndarray array

Parameters:ndarray (numpy.ndarray) – a numpy array
Returns:a SFFTransformationMatrix object
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


alias of sfftkrw.schema.v0_8_0_dev1.transformation_matrix_type


an ID for this transform


the number of rows in this matrix

static stringify(array)

Convert a numpy.ndarray to a space-separated list of numbers

SFFBoundingBox class

class sfftkrw.SFFBoundingBox(xmin=0.0, xmax=None, ymin=0.0, ymax=None, zmin=0.0, zmax=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFType

Dimensions of bounding box

as_hff(parent_group, name='bounding_box', args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='bounding_box', args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


maximum x co-ordinate value


minimum x co-ordinate value


maximum y co-ordinate value


minimum y co-ordinate value


maximum z co-ordinate value


minimum z co-ordinate value

SFFGlobalExternalReferenceList class

class sfftkrw.SFFGlobalExternalReferenceList

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFListType

Container for global external references

as_hff(parent_group, name='global_external_references', args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='global_external_references', args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

SFFExternalReferenceList class

class sfftkrw.SFFExternalReferenceList

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFListType

Container for external references

as_hff(parent_group, name='external_references', args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='external_references', args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

SFFExternalReference class

class sfftkrw.SFFExternalReference(id=None, resource=None, url=None, accession=None, label=None, description=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFIndexType


the accession for this external reference

as_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict

a long description of this external reference

classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


this external reference’s ID


a short description of this external reference


the ontology/archive name


a URL/IRI where data for this external reference may be obtained

SFFSegmentList class

class sfftkrw.SFFSegmentList

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFListType

Container for segments

as_hff(parent_group, name='segment_list', args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='segment_list', args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

SFFSegment class

class sfftkrw.SFFSegment(id=None, biological_annotation=None, colour=None, mesh_list=None, three_d_volume=None, shape_primitive_list=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFIndexType

Class that encapsulates segment data

as_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



Format this segment as JSON


the biological annotation for this segment; described using a sfftkrw.schema.adapter.SFFBiologicalAnnotation object


this segments colour; described using a sfftkrw.schema.adapter.SFFRGBA object

classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


alias of sfftkrw.schema.v0_8_0_dev1.segment_type


the ID for this segment; segment IDs begin at 1 with the value of 0 implying the segmentation i.e. all segments are children of the root segment (the segmentation)


the list of mesh_list (if any) that describe this segment; a sfftkrw.schema.adapter.SFFMeshList object


the ID for the segment that contains this segment; defaults to 0 (the whole segmentation)


the list of shape primitives that describe this segment; a sfftkrw.schema.adapter.SFFShapePrimitiveList object


the 3D volume (if any) that describes this segment; a sfftkrw.schema.adapter.SFFThreeDVolume object

SFFBiologicalAnnotation class

class sfftkrw.SFFBiologicalAnnotation(name=None, description=None, external_references=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFType

Biological annotation

as_hff(parent_group, name='biological_annotation', args=None)

Return the data of this object as an HDF5 group in the given parent group


For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict

a brief description for this segment


the set of external references

classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='biological_annotation', args=None)

Return an SFFType object given an HDF5 object

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


the name of this segment


the number of instances of this segment


class sfftkrw.SFFRGBA(red=None, green=None, blue=None, alpha=1.0, random_colour=False)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFType



alpha (opacity) channel

as_hff(parent_group, name='colour', args=None)

Return the data of this object as an HDF5 group in the given parent group


Export as JSON


blue channel

classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='colour', args=None)

Return an SFFType object given an HDF5 object

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


green channel


red channel

SFFEncodedSequence class

class sfftkrw.SFFEncodedSequence(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFType

Abstract base class for SFFVertices, SFFNormals and SFFTriangles

static _decode(bin64, mode=None, endianness=None, **kwargs)

Decode a base64-encoded byte sequence to a numpy array

  • bin64 (bytes or unicode) – the base64-encoded byte sequence
  • mode (str) – the data type
  • endianness (str) – the byte orientation

a numpy.ndarray object

Return type:


static _encode(array, mode=None, endianness=None, **kwargs)

Encode a numpy.ndarray as a base64-encoded byte sequence

Return str:

the corresponding encoded sequence

classmethod from_array(data, mode=None, endianness=None)

Create a SFFVertices object from a numpy array inferring size and assuming certain defaults

  • data (numpy.ndarray) – the data as a numpy.ndarray object
  • mode (bytes or str or unicode) – the size of each voxel; valid values are: int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64``float32, float64
  • endianness (bytes or str or unicode) – byte ordering: little (default) or big

a SFFVertices object

Return type:


classmethod from_bytes(byte_seq, num_items, mode=None, endianness=None)

Create a SFFVertices object using a bytes object

  • byte_seq (bytes or unicode) – the data as a base64-encoded sequence; can be bytes or unicode
  • num_vertices (int) – the number of vertices contained (for validation)
  • mode (bytes or str or unicode) – the size of each voxel; valid values are: int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64``float32, float64
  • endianness (bytes or str or unicode) – byte ordering: little (default) or big

a SFFVertices object

Return type:


SFFVertices class

class sfftkrw.SFFVertices(num_vertices=None, mode="float32", endianness="little", data=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.adapter_v0_8_0_dev1.SFFEncodedSequence

Vertices: neither a list nor an index type but is encoded

Suggests the need for an SFFCodedType which has encoded data with _encode and _decode services/methods.

as_hff(parent_group, name='vertices', args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



base64-encoded packed binary data


binary packing endianness [default: ‘little’]

classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='vertices', args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


alias of sfftkrw.schema.v0_8_0_dev1.vertices_type


data type; valid values are: int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, float32, float64 [default: ‘float32’]


the number of vertices contained

SFFNormals class

class sfftkrw.SFFNormals(num_normals=None, mode="float32", endianness="little", data=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.adapter_v0_8_0_dev1.SFFEncodedSequence


as_hff(parent_group, name='normals', args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



base64-encoded packed binary data


binary packing endianness [default: ‘little’]

classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='normals', args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


alias of sfftkrw.schema.v0_8_0_dev1.normals_type


data type; valid values are: int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, float32, float64 [default: ‘float32’]


the number of normals contained

SFFTriangles class

class sfftkrw.SFFTriangles(num_triangles=None, mode="uint32", endianness="little", data=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.adapter_v0_8_0_dev1.SFFEncodedSequence


as_hff(parent_group, name='triangles', args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



base64-encoded packed binary data


binary packing endianness [default: ‘little’]

classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='triangles', args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


alias of sfftkrw.schema.v0_8_0_dev1.triangles_type


data type; valid values are: int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, float32, float64 [default: ‘float32’]


the number of triangles contained

SFFMeshList class

class sfftkrw.SFFMeshList

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFListType

Mesh list representation

as_hff(parent_group, name='mesh_list', args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='mesh_list', args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

SFFMesh class

class sfftkrw.SFFMesh(id=None, vertices=None, normals=None, triangles=None, transform_id=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFIndexType

Single mesh

as_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


the mesh ID


a list of normals which correspond to vertices


a transform applied to the mesh


a list of triangles; each triangle is represented by a trio of vertex indices


a list of vertices

SFFThreeDVolume class

class sfftkrw.SFFThreeDVolume(lattice_id=None, value=None, transform_id=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFType

Class representing segments described using a 3D volume

as_hff(parent_group, name='three_d_volume', args=None)

Return an SFFType object given an HDF5 object


For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='three_d_volume', args=None)

Return an SFFType object given an HDF5 object

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


the ID of the lattice that has the data for this 3D volume


a transform applied to this 3D volume [optional]


the voxel values associated with this 3D volume

SFFLatticeList class

class sfftkrw.SFFLatticeList

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFListType

A container for lattice objects

as_hff(parent_group, name='lattice_list', args=None)

Return the data of this object as an HDF5 group in the given parent group


For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='lattice_list', args=None)

Return an SFFType object given an HDF5 object

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

SFFLattice class

class sfftkrw.SFFLattice(id=None, mode=None, endianness=None, size=None, start=None, data=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFIndexType

Class representing 3D

as_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict

data provided by a numpy.ndarray, byte-sequence or unicode string; the dimensions should correspond with those specified in the ‘size’ attribute


The data as a numpy.ndarray


endianness; either ‘little’ (default) or ‘big’

classmethod from_array(data, size=None, mode='uint32', endianness='little', start=SFFVolumeIndex(rows=0, cols=0, sections=0))

Create a SFFLattice object from a numpy array inferring size and assuming certain defaults


a SFFLattice object

Return type:


classmethod from_bytes(byte_seq, size, mode='uint32', endianness='little', start=SFFVolumeIndex(rows=0, cols=0, sections=0))

Create a SFFLattice object using a bytes object

  • byte_seq (bytes or unicode) – the data as a base64-encoded, zipped sequence; can be bytes or unicode
  • size (SFFVolumeStructure) – the size of the lattice as a SFFVolumeStructure object
  • start (SFFVolumeIndex) – the values of the corner voxel
  • mode (bytes or str or unicode) – the size of each voxel; valid values are: int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64``float32, float64
  • endianness (bytes or str or unicode) – byte ordering: little (default) or big

a SFFLattice object

Return type:


classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


the ID for this lattice (referenced by 3D volumes)


type of data for each voxel; valid values are: int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, float32, float64


size of the lattice described using a sfftkrw.schema.adapter.SFFVolumeStructure object


starting index of the lattices described using a:py:class:sfftkrw.schema.adapter.SFFVolumeIndex object

SFFVolumeStructure class

class sfftkrw.SFFVolumeStructure(rows=None, cols=None, sections=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.adapter_v0_8_0_dev1.SFFVolume

as_hff(parent_group, name='size', args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:


classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='size', args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


The number of voxels in this volume

SFFVolumeIndex class

class sfftkrw.SFFVolumeIndex(rows=None, cols=None, sections=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.adapter_v0_8_0_dev1.SFFVolume

Class representing volume indices

as_hff(parent_group, name='start', args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:


classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='start', args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

SFFShapePrimitiveList class

class sfftkrw.SFFShapePrimitiveList

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFListType

Container for shapes

as_hff(parent_group, name='shape_primitive_list', args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name='shape_primitive_list', args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


The number of cones in this container


The number of cuboids in this container


The number of cylinders in this container


The number of ellipsoids in this container

SFFShape class

class sfftkrw.SFFShape(id=None, transform_id=None, attribute=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.base.SFFIndexType

Base shape class


extra attribute information e.g. ‘FOM’


the ID of this shape


the transform applied to this shape to position it in the space

classmethod update_counter(value)

Update the index for all subclasses sequentially for sibling classes

This method works alongside the index_in_super class attribute.

The superclass must specify this method to ensure correct sequencing of shared indices.

SFFCone class

class sfftkrw.SFFCone(id=None, height=None, bottom_radius=None, transform_id=None, attribute=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.adapter_v0_8_0_dev1.SFFShape

Cone shape class

as_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict

cone bottom radius

classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


cone height

SFFCuboid class

class sfftkrw.SFFCuboid(id=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, transform_id=None, attribute=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.adapter_v0_8_0_dev1.SFFShape

Cuboid shape class

as_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


alias of sfftkrw.schema.v0_8_0_dev1.cuboid


length in x


length in y


length in z

SFFCylinder class

class sfftkrw.SFFCylinder(id=None, height=None, diameter=None, transform_id=None, attribute=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.adapter_v0_8_0_dev1.SFFShape

Cylinder shape class

as_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict

cylinder diameter

classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


cylinder height

SFFEllipsoid class

class sfftkrw.SFFEllipsoid(id=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, transform_id=None, attribute=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.adapter_v0_8_0_dev1.SFFShape

Ellipsoid shape class

as_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


alias of sfftkrw.schema.v0_8_0_dev1.ellipsoid


length in x


length in y


length in z

SFFSubtomogramAverage class

class sfftkrw.SFFSubtomogramAverage(id=None, lattice_id, value=None, transform_id=None)

Bases: sfftkrw.schema.adapter_v0_8_0_dev1.SFFShape

Subtomogram average class

as_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Returns the current object as a group in an HDF5 file with the given name

For instances which are subclasses of base.SFFIndexType name will be a string version of the index (id). If id is None then we will generate a unique one so as to write the object to file. Therefore, the process of writing to HDF5 could end up looking slightly different from the original if the original had missing indexes for some objects.

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the populated parent group

Return type:



For all contained classes this method returns a dictionary which will be serialised into JSON. Only at the top level (SFFSegmentation) will the final serialisation be done.

Parameters:args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
Returns:a set of nested dictionaries
Return type:dict
classmethod from_hff(parent_group, name=None, args=None)

Convert HDF5 objects into EMDB-SFF objects It should either return a valid object or raise an SFFValueError due to failed validation

  • parent_group (Group) – an HDF5 Group that will contain the objects in this object
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments
  • name (str or None) – the name to be given to this object in the object hierarchy (default: None)

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass

classmethod from_json(data, args=None)

Deserialise the given json object into an EMDB-SFF object

  • data (dict) – the data to be converted into SFF* objects
  • args (argparse.Namespace) – command line arguments

the corresponding SFF* object

Return type:

base.SFFType subclass


the ID of the lattice holding the subtomogram average


the transform applied to this shape to position it in the space


the value at which the contour is defined